Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Shit! I just started a blog...what the heck do I do now?
Should I write something? post a vid? talk about my life? WHAT WHAT WHAT??? damn the pressure!
By the way,How the heck did I get here?Anyway...
Let's see...I could start by doing something useful like monitoring my weight lost ...(or gain?)on a daily basis...or share my loads of mp3 songs that I have or I could share my movie reviews or blog about places to go and eat....hmmm but heck it's all been done before...

Ah...ha I got it!
I will blog about something which I am good at ...a natural talent which I am born with...a skill that I have refined all these years...and perfected...


Yup that's it...see ya'll.
will write about something or post a vid the next time I get here...